Life Sciences

Transform Research, Trials, and Comparative Analysis with Complete Real-Time Patient Data.

174M+ Patient Encounters
31M+ Patients
29M+ Notes
45M+ Lab Records

Data is the backbone of life sciences clinical research and innovation.

The Latica medical intelligence platform delivers unprecedented access to data across the complete patient journey enabling life science organizations to pioneer a new era in human health.

Improve hypotheses and outcome stratification

Access rich, diverse unstructured and structured datasets — images, physician notes, prescriptions, hospital records, and more. Forget the wait and focus on what the data can do for your internal processes.

Optimize clinical trials and discovery

Quick access to data and in-depth dashboards allows for improved trial design, fine tuning of selection criteria, ability to pivot studies on the fly and accelerated target discovery.

Enhance market research

Use robust data to drive comparative effectiveness studies, treatment surveillance, exploring drug repurposing, dose optimization, and more.

The Latica difference

Historically, security and stale data have hindered the efforts of life science. The Latica medical intelligence platform anonymizes PHI while collating structured and unstructured data in one convenient dashboard. Unlike traditional data sources, the patient journey is complete with real-time information.


  • Access to real-world data, complete patient journey, outcomes, and notes
  • Examine market size and cost of standard treatments
  • Analyze how to price and position products


  • Design more cost-efficient clinical trials
  • Perform post-market validation of drugs
  • Investigate drug repurposing opportunities

Digital health

  • Access a wider breadth of medical insights
  • Monitor quality of care for specific protocols
  • Facilitate and improve support and services

Interested in learning more?

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